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US Ambassador to Romania Hans Klemm recommends transfer of technology developed in universities to SMEs

The US Ambassador to Romania, Hans Klemm, recommends that the managers of small and medium-sized companies transfer to the private sector the technology developed in universities.

Attending on Friday the National Forum of Small and Medium Enterprises in Cluj, which is taking place at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, the American diplomat believes that this kind of collaboration may be beneficial for both sides. He explained that the US created, as early as 40 years ago, the legal framework that facilitates the transfer of technology from universities to the private environment.

The best example is Silicon Valley, where most companies had their roots in the University of California or Stanford. A new technology is developed in the university, then moved to private sector to be more easily traded, said Hans Klemm.

The US diplomat is of the opinion that a country's economy relies heavily on SMEs, whose success can also affect be felt by the country, which is why transparency of administrative decision-making or predictability are key elements of a state's development.

US Ambassador to Bucharest Hans Klemm attended on Friday the National SME Forum in Cluj, where he discussed smart policies for SMEs. The event was attended by the President of the National Council of SMEs, Florin Jianu, Presidential Advisor Cosmin Marinescu, President of the Cluj Association of Business Owners and Craftsmen Augustin Fenesan and Mayor Emil Boc.

The 26th edition of the National Forum of Private Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises was organized by the National Council of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
