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Romania's rate of newly-born enterprises in 2017 above EU average

The number of newly-born enterprises in the European Union accounted for 9.3 percent of the total number of active enterprises in 2017, a stable level compared to 2016, but increasing against a 9 percent rate in 2012, according to the data published by Eurostat on Monday.

In 2017, the percentage of jobs generated by newly-born enterprises in the European Union stood at 2.4 percent of the total jobs, ranging from 5.2 percent in Portugal to 1.2 percent in Germany and the Netherlands.

The highest rates of newly-born enterprises in the EU were recorded in 2017 in Lithuania (19.7 percent), Portugal (15.8 percent), Slovakia (13.7 percent), Hungary (12.9 percent) and Latvia (12.4 percent), whereas the lowest rates were recorded in Greece (4.5 percent), Belgium (6.4 percent), Sweden (6.6 percent), Austria and Germany (both 6.8 percent).

Compared to 2016, the highest enterprise birth rates were recorded in Finland (2.9 percentage points), Slovakia (2.7 percentage points), Hungary (2.1 percentage points), Estonia (1.2 percentage points) and Lithuania (0.9 percentage points), and the most significant decline was recorded in Malta (-6.1 percentage points), Latvia (-3.8 percentage points), Spain (-0.9 percentage points), Bulgaria and Italy (both -0.5 percentage points), Austria and Sweden (both -0.4 percentage points).

In Romania, the number of newly-born enterprises accounted for 10.94 percent of the total number of active enterprises in 2017, above EU average and above the rates recorded in member states such as:France (10.3 percent), the Netherlands (9.46 percent), Spain (9.08 percent) and Italy (7.21 percent). In the European Union, the rate of newly-born enterprises in relation to the total number of active enterprises was stable in 2017 compare to 2016, however, Romania registered a slight rise from 10.37 percent to 10.94 percent.  
