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The ambassasor of Ukraine: I hope the beginning of next year will bring two meetings at high level

The ambassador of Ukraine to Bucharest Oleksandr Bankov stated on Friday at a meeting with the students at the University ‘ Lucian Blaga’ of Sibiu that he hopes that in the bilateral relation with Romania at the beginning of 2020 to have to visits or two meetings at high level. ‘I hope that at the beginning of next year we will at least two visits or two meetings at high level, officially and we will have concrete results which could be convened both for short and medium term’ he told the Sibiu students the ambassador Oleksandr Bankov.

He mentioned that the most recent meeting of the presidents of Romania Klaus Iohannis and his Ukraine counterpart Volodimir Zelenski took place in September at New York on the margin of the segment at high level of the 74th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Asked by the journalists present at the meeting with the students if it is possible to have a bilateral meeting în 2020 between president of Romania Klaus Iohannis and the president of Ukraine Volodimir Zelenski or between the premiers of the two countries, ambassador Oleksandr Bankov said it is not excluded.

‘I cannot exclude it because surely the activation of this dialogue at the highest level is wanted, but to create possibilities and to create the context for the meetings, at very high level, we have to work and to create the necessary results for such a meeting. We will start at another level and I hope we will manage to have two intergovernmental commissions, one to work on economic relations , infrastructure, technical and others and the other to tackle national minorities’ ambassador Bankov said.

The ambassador of Ukraine to Bucharest, Oleksandr Bankov met on Friday in Sibiu with the rector and the students of university “Lucian Blaga in a conference which was organized at the Centre for Global Studies of the university.
