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Samusocial: Socio-professional insertion workshop, the only chance for persons in difficulty!

Socio-professional insertion workshop is a unique project in Romania developed by two romanian associations Samusocial from Romania and Ateliere Fara Frontiere, partners for this project, co-funded by Human Resources Development Operational Programme, of European Social Fund.
The project aims at socio-professional integration through economic activity, persons in need who are seeking a second chance in life and fight against waste and pollution.
The project started back in the street, where the mobile teams of Samusocial from Romania meets homeless adults offering them social and medical assistance. Doctors and social workers directs the beneficiary to the Samusocial of Romania’s Day Center to be registered in the database of the organization where they get help and advices for solving various problems, such as obtaining identity cards, social security files, pension files or recovering health, to facilitate all stages of social reintegration.
Depending on medical history, current health condition, age and motivation, beneficiaries are recommended for employment in the socio-professional insertion workshop project. Here, in an interview, they are legally employed and have work card for a minimum period of six months, with possibility of extension, at Ateliere Fara Frontiere. The salary is 600 lei, so that employees be motivated to seek employment opportunities in other companies. This is the only way the project can create new jobs available for other persons in dificulty.
Sabina Nicholae, Executive Director: \"Besides the social and psychological counseling that are offered throughout all employment, new employees have the opportunity to attend training courses depending on previous experience, their life project they have proposed or from their skills. The help that our beneficiaries receive it is possible due to our co-funders - Alcatel Lucent and Groupe Societe Generale or Apa Nova. All of this helps us in assisting in the procces of placement the employees in accessing the market of labor and especially helps us on real, difficult situations to save lives.\"
Depending on beneficiaries experience and availability of jobs, they are oriented, ultimately, to other employers, partners in the project, even before the contract expires in the project. Even after their employment on the real labor market, former Samusocial’s beneficiaries are monitored and eventually helped to overcome obstacles. During this time, they receive counseling and social assistance to maintain their confidence and managed to pass safely over any difficulties and challenges.



Tuesday, June 1, 2010