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Romania-Tunisia Economic Forum organised in Bucharest

Secretary of State Maria Magdalena Grigore on Friday had a meeting with Hatem Ferjani, Tunisian Secretary of State to the Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge of Economic Diplomacy, discussions focusing on the Tunisia-European Union relation, informs a press release of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE).

On the same occasion, the two officials talked about the Romania-Tunisia Economic Forum organised in Bucharest on Thursday and Friday, in collaboration with the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The two secretaries of state acknowledged the increased level of sectoral relations between the two countries and voiced their believes that the dynamics defining the political-diplomatic dialogue between Tunisia and Romania in the recent while contributes to the strengthening and diversification of the sectoral relations. In this context, secretary of state Maria Grigore assured the Tunisian side of Romania's readiness to share from its experiences and expertise in what concerns the transition to democracy and integration with the European Union.

While remarking Tunisia's efforts in fighting terrorism and ensuring a stable political, economic and social climate south of the European Union, the Romanian dignitary reaffirmed Romania's support for the projects advanced by Tunisia in developing relations with the European Union, specified the MAE release.

The two officials also tackled topics of a regional interest for North Africa and the Middle East, discussing about the importance of making all efforts to maintain peace and security in the area.
