Romania's first progress evaluation report on anti-money laundering
Romania's first progress evaluation report on anti-money laundering measures and financing of terrorism was unanimously adopted by the Moneyval committee of experts convened over Sept. 21-24 in Strasbourg. Liechtenstein, designated rapporteur country for Romania proposed the adoption of the document and said that estimated that Romania has made major and successful progress for the implementation of recommendation of International Financial Action Task Force on Money laundering (FATF) in this field.
Romania's progress report debated in the plenary session of Moneyval includes measures recently adopted by relevant national institutions with a view to observing the recommendations made under the country progress report adopted in July 2008. In this report, Romania's delegation presented the major changes of the legal and institutional framework in this field that occurred over 2008-2009.
Therefore, Romania's legislative and institutional progress in the aforementioned period was praised in the segment of prevention of the use of financial system with the goal of money laundering and financing terrorism. Romania's delegation participating in the presentation of the report was made up of representatives of the main institutions involved, namely National Office for Prevention and Fight against money Laundering, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Ministry of Justice and Civil Liberties, National Bank of Romania, Ministry of Public Finance, Romanian Intelligence Service, Insurance Surveillance Commission and Commission for the Surveillance of the Private Pension System.
Romania has been since 1999 a member state of the Committee of Experts Moneyval with the Council of Europe, which monitors and assesses the measures adopted by member states in the field of prevention and fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism, in line with the 40 recommendations and 9 special recommendations drawn up by Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering.
According to Agerpres, on September 22, Romania presented the first progress report, which is being discussed one year after the adoption of the report on mutual assessment at the third round of evaluation (July 2008). That report showed that in 2007 Romania had enforced most of the 40+9 Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering.
The contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) in the progress report on Romania relates mainly to the implementation of special recommendation III on freezing and confiscating terrorist assets. In this field, the Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry in its capacity of national coordinator of the international sanctions' implementation has managed the drawing up of the emergency government ordinance 2022008 on the enforcement of international sanctions that establishes the institutional and procedure mechanism on freezing funds and economic resources, in line with this recommendation and with the European good practice standards.