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Radulescu (BNR) : It is unacceptable there is no cadastre for Romanian agricultural land

The Romanian farmer cannot guarantee a loan with agricultural land as Romania has no market for land and it is unacceptable that in 20 years we haven’t finished a cadastre of the agricultural land at national level, said, on Thursday in a conference, Eugen Radulescu expert of OECD and manager in BNR.

« A farmer cannot guarantee with land to a bank as Romania has no land market. Moreover, the judicial system continues to be generous with debtors and continues not to defend the creditors. As regards the development of a land market, it is unacceptable that, after 20 years, we haven’t finished the land cadastre in Romania. Who wants to buy land pays a sum X and another sum three times higher for cadastre, lawyers, etc. The force of notaries is much higher than that of whose who want the good of this economy. More than half of the wives of political people are notaries » Radulescu said.

The BNR official warned on the fact that Romania spent big resources, but even so, the economy was left as weak. « We spent huge resources which went down the drain. Instead of a policy which would lead to the growth of production, almost everything was made was to keep the economy at a weak state » Eugen Radulescu said.

According to the data of the ministry of agriculture and rural development (MADR) at present, out of the 23.8 million ha as we have in Romania, the agricultural surface of the country is 14.7 million ha ( 61.7%). Out of the total, 9.38 million ha is arable land.

In this context, Romania is sixth in Europe as surface ( after France, Spain, Germany, the UK and Poland) and fifth as arable land after France, Spain, Germany and Poland.

Up to 20 April 2011, the seeded land only for this spring reached 1.93 million ha out of a total of 5.043 million ha, other two million ha with wheat being seeded in autumn.

Thus, other 92,000 ha were seeded with field vegetables and greenhouses ( 43% of the programme), peas – 20,439 ha ( 75%) spring wheat - 4,112 ha ( 97%), oats – 137,727 ha ( 77%), spring rape – 3,163 ha against 1,558 ha scheduled, sugar beet – 13,374 ha (59%), early potatoes – 11,356 ha (98%), autumn potatoes – 121,535 (59%), sunflower – 506,459 ha ( 54%) and corn – 651,248 ha ( 25%) the MADR data say.

The Romanian Banking institute organised, on Thursday, the conference with « Development of Romanian agriculture between political wish and the last chance. Policies, financing, guarantees ». The issues discussed refer to the Romanian potential of agricultural development, ways of putting to value the Romanian agricultural potential, the construction of a coherent and solid system of putting to value the Romanian agricultural potential, Romanian present policies in the agricultural domain, professional competences in rebuilding the agriculture in Romania, available financing programmes, solutions for insurance and guarantee, accessing of European funds dedicated to agriculture.
