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Over 2,600 constrution authorisations were issued in January – increase by 17%

2,634 construction authorisations were issued in January this year, up by 17% against last month, while the number of authorisations for residential buildings ( which could have one or more residences) dropped by 8.6% down to 1,740 authorisations , the data publishe by the National Institute for Statistics show. Last year, there were over 55,000 residence construction authorisations, down by 16% against 2009.

In January this year, there were issued 1,740 authorisations for residence construction ( which could have one or several residences) out of which 65% are for the rural area. The distribution at regional level shows a drop in the number of authorisations for construction issued for residential buildings which is evident in most development regions.

Cele mai importante scaderi au fost in regiunile de dezvoltare: Nord-Est (-124 autorizatii), Sud-Est (-41 autorizatii), Nord-Vest (-30 autorizatii) si Sud-Muntenia (-19 autorizatii). Cresteri ale numarului de autorizatii eliberate pentru construirea de cladiri rezidentiale s-au inregistrat in regiunile de dezvoltare Bucuresti-Ilfov (+38 autorizatii) si Sud-Vest Oltenia (+28 autorizatii).
The most important drops were in Nord-Est (-124 authorisations), Sud-Est (-41 authorisations), Nord-Vest (-30 authorisations) si Sud-Muntenia (-19 authorisations)

As regards the number of authorisations for residence building, they went up by 17% in January this year, up to 2,634 authorisations.
