Medical Evacuation from Gaza Strip: Five patients will receive treatment in Bucharest
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in close cooperation with the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as with other Romanian state institutions and in coordination with the dedicated structures of the European Commission, participated on Wednesday in the operation of urgent medical evacuation of 12 Palestinian patients from the Gaza Strip, severely affected by the lack of access to adequate medical treatment, together with 35 family members.
The operation was carried out with the involvement of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the support of the Romanian Embassy in Tel Aviv, the Romanian Representative Office in Ramallah, the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of the Interior - Department for Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Health, in order to carry out all the activities of pick-up, transport to Romania, through the Romanian Air Force, accommodation and ensuring adequate treatment and care in safe conditions.
In view of the difficult humanitarian and medical situation in the Gaza Strip and the fact that access to medical treatment is severely affected by the military conflict, Romania has offered its assistance to vulnerable patients in the Palestinian enclave, according to the MFA.
After their arrival in Bucharest, out of the total number of patients, one person will be transported to the Kingdom of Norway by an aircraft of the General Aviation Inspectorate of the Ministry of Interior and five other persons, together with 16 relatives, will be transported to France by a Slovakian aircraft. One patient will be flown to Albania with three family members.
The other five patients will receive specialised treatment in hospitals in Bucharest and will benefit from the support of the competent Romanian institutions and non-governmental organisations, which will provide the medical and psychological assistance necessary for their safe recovery.
The mission was carried out on the route Otopeni - Ramon Airport (Eilat)/Israel - Otopeni, with a C-130 Hercules aircraft of the Romanian Air Force, under the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, with a medical team on board consisting of SMURD specialists and medical staff from MApN.
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania will continue to contribute to the effort to mitigate the effects of the humanitarian crisis on Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, acting in close coordination with its international partners.
The operation has been financially and operationally supported through the European Commission's Civil Protection Mechanism, in close coordination with the World Health Organisation Organisation and the relevant Israeli authorities.