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Iohannis invited US president to Romania: I want us to continue our 2015 conversation

President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday that he had invited US President Joe Biden to Romania to continue their conversation of 2015, when Biden came to Romania as vice president of the United States of America.

"I have invited him to Romania, I told him I want us to continue our excellent conversation of 2015," Iohannis said in Brussels after attending a NATO summit.

"We had two short talks with President Biden. The first was right at the beginning, where together with President Duda we wanted to greet President Biden, to express our gratitude for his presence at the B9 Summit. It was a consistent presence, he had a very solid speech. We obviously wanted to make sure that we still have a very strong strategic partnership and that we have the full attention of the United States' Strategic Partnership for the Eastern Flank. President Biden assured us that he is particularly and a great deal involved to support Romania and Poland, to improve this relationship", said the Romanian head of state.

He added that, at a second discussion with the US President, during the NATO Summit, he invited him to Romania. "I invited him to Romania. I told him that I want to continue the very good discussion we started in 2015. [Then] we had the first meeting, then he was Vice President Biden. I really want to strengthen the strategic partnership between Romania and US. He fully agreed that we should try to organize such a meeting and he assured me once again that he is very dedicated to this partnership," said President Iohannis.
