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Eurostat: Romania occupies the second place in the EU for annual growth i Q2 of work force costs

Romania occupies the second place in the EU for the annual growth of Q2 in work force costs per working hour, of 7.2% against an EU average of 3.4% Eurostat said. The total costs of work force include expenditure connected to salaries and non-salaries, but they do not include bonuses or expenditure such as recruiting, training or equipment.

Over the first quarter, Romania was third in the EU with an annual advance of 4.5% at an EU average of 2.7%. Romania recorded an advance of 7.2% in industry in Q2 of 5.4% in the sector of constructions, 7.4% for services respectively.

At the level of euro area, the costs of work force advanced with 3.6% in Q2. Between the states which reported data, the highest annual growth of costs with work force was recorded in Bulgaria of 12.4%, followed by Romania, Slovakia respectively with 6.5%. Annual drops took place in Greece of 3.7%, Ireland -3.5% and Portugal of 0.8%. Out of the 27 EU member states, Luxembourg and Malta did not send data to Eurostat.

Eurostat defines through salary costs direct remuneration, bonuses and money paid in cash by the employer to an employee in exchange for the work done, payment for paid free days and economy schemes of the employees and payment such as food, fuel, company cars and others.

Non-salary costs include social contributions paid by the employers, hiring taxes considered with work force costs, excluding subsidies which have the purpose of covering totally or partially the costs with direct remuneration of the employee.
