Euro reached on Wednesday to a new historic maximum:the exchange rate presented by BNR: 4.8879 lei/euro
The leu depreciated on Wednesday by 0.18 bani to euro (0.04%) the European currency reaching a new historic maximum, as the exchange rate calculated by BNR is 4.8879 lei/euro.
BNR quoted the euro at 4.8861 lei on Tuesday. Similarly, the leu lost ground to the American dollar, which reached 4.1042 lei, up by 1.34 bani ( 0.33%) against the exchange rate on Tuesday,4.0908 lei/dollar respectively.
At the same time, the national currency depreciated against the Swiss Franc, by 0.57 bani ( -0.12%). Thus, on Wednesday, the quotation of the Swiss Franc reached 4.4305 lei, as compared to 4.4248 lei on Tuesday.
The gold got more expensive by 1.01 lei (0.44 %) up to 229.1115 lei from 228.0980 lei as it was at the previous meeting.