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CNP: Exports of high-tech and medium high-tech products to account for 54 percent of all 2012 exports

Romania's exports of products included in the high-tech and medium high-tech category will account, in 2012, for about 54 percent of the entire foreign trade planned for the processing industry, reads an analysis of the National Commission of Prognosis (CNP), which was published on the Internet page of the aforementioned institution.

According to the source mentioned above, when coming to the structure of exports of products made by the processing industry in keeping with the classification according to the technological intensity, their positive evolution has been noticed of late, which materialized in increasing the share of high-tech exports in all the exports of manufactured products from 10.3 percent in 2009 to 11.9 percent in 2011. They estimate a 12.3-percent share for the current year.

CNP makes it clear that one can find an improvement of the export structure as a consequence of the increase in the share of exports having high added value, which are included in the high-tech and medium high-tech groups. In this context they account for more than half (about 53-54 percent) of the exports of products made by the processing industry.

The group of high-tech products (computers and electronic or optical products, basic pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical preparations) is very dynamic and has registered significant growth in the past few years. Statistics say that, if in 2010 their growth was 49.5 percent, starting in the last part of 2011 their growth pace slowed down so that they estimate that exports of high-tech products will increase by 15.6 percent in 2012. The Nokia Company leaving Romania, one of the most important exporters, especially justifies this phenomenon, say the authors of the analysis.

Moreover, a 16 percent increase in the exports of computers and electronic and optical products is estimated for 2012, mainly due to TV receivers (video monitors included), their spare parts and the electrical apparatus for telephony or telegraphy and the automatic data processing machines. Exports of printed circuits (components of computers mainly) will increase by 12.2 percent.

A 13 percent increase in the exports of basic pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical preparations is estimated this year, especially thanks to medicines.

They estimate a 41.1 percent increase in exports on the medium high-tech segment for 2012, down by 0.2 percent from the previous year. This group of products is mainly supported this year by the sub-sector of road transport motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (42.4 percent), with an estimated growth of 12.8 percent. Exports of motorcars and other motor vehicles meant for passenger transport will also increase by 13.2 percent and the exports of motor vehicle spare parts and accessories, by 11.4 percent.

At the same time they estimate that experts of chemical substances and products, which account for 12.2 percent, will grow by 12.9 percent. These exports will have a positive evolution, mainly due to mineral or chemical fertilizers and sodium hydroxide, which will increase by 12.9 percent and 11.9 percent respectively.

Exports of electrical equipment and machines, machinery and equipment that were not classified elsewhere will grow this year by 9.3 percent, accounting for 18.9 percent of the medium high-tech category. When analyzing the structure of the foreign trade depending on the technological level, they used the Eurostat standard classification, which defines four kinds of industrial branches.

The data on the international trade are presented by statistics in keeping with the activity classification issued in 2008, which represents the equivalence in the Romanian statistics of the classified catalogue used by Eurostat.
