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Four-fifths of Romanian companies are running on outdated resource planning solutions

Eight out of ten Romanian companies use outdated and insufficiently digitized Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, show surveys carried out by management consultants.

According to Horvath & Partners estimates based also on the annual statistics provided by the European Commission through the Digital Economy and Society Index - DESI 2020, the companies need modern ERP platforms, which, once implemented reduce operating costs and the average time allocated to various activities by up to 30 percent, while increasing profitability by an average 20 percent.

"Romania must attach more importance to the digitization of the business process management, primarily because of the current context influenced by the pandemic, but also because we have a significant gap to recover from the rest of the EU member states. By the digital economy and society index (DESI) that tracks the annual progress of EU member states in terms of digital competitiveness, Romania ranks 26th out of 28 in 2020," the survey shows.

One of the process modernization solutions in a business is the new SAP S/4HANA suite designed to help businesses to run simple in a digital and networked economy.

"All companies using SAP platforms are required to make this transition by 2025, which involves upgrading the existing ERP system with new features. The project carried out by Hoerbiger spanned 9 months and that of the Croatian Atlantic Grupa - 12 months, and were both coordinated by Horvath & Partners consultants. Some of the noteworthy results include: reducing process time by up to 40 percent, cutting downtime by up to 30 percent, increasing data reliability by more than 60 percent, reducing maintenance costs by 10 percent and increasing profitability by up to 15 percent," the consulting company notes.

Horvath & Partners has been present in Romania since 2005.
